Faith in Motion Performance Therapy

ACL Rehab in Teays Valley

ACL Rehab in Teays Valley

Physical therapy not meeting your ACL expectations?

- You feel like there’s more you could be doing and you’re not being treated in a manner to prepare you for your athletic goals.

- Frustrated that you’re plateauting in your ACL rehab journey?

- Maybe you’re out of insurance visits.

We got you.

We’ll help you take the guesswork out of your ACL rehab so you can get back to being you. Feeling like an athlete. Physically and mentally confident. In your knee.
In your sport.
In your life.

Never worry about the next step in your ACL journey.
There. Is. Hope. We can help.

Here at Faith in Motion our performance physical therapists specializing in ACL rehab and are experts at getting athletes back to doing playing their sport with confidence in their knee pain free.

High quality ACL rehab can make the difference between long term success and a frustrating re-tear.

We know how it feels to worry you’re not doing the right thing after an ACL tear. We will work with you every step of the way to return to sport stronger, confidently, and safely.

You deserve an ACL rehab plan that challenges you, treats you like an athlete, and makes you more resilient.

Our clinic is specifically designed for the athlete. We are equipped with a full athletic performance facility to challenge and prepare each athlete to make sure they are confident in their return to sport.

Our team specializes in 1-n-1 care to meet the physical and mental demands of returning to sport after an injury. Let’s get back on the field together!

If you want an exact roadmap and plan to get back to your sport and the activities you love without any pain, stiffness, or limitations, contact us today to see how we can help!

The time is now.

Ready to Talk to a Medical Professional? Stop Letting Pain Hold You Back!